Thursday, April 29, 2010


昨天偷懒没有写部落格~其实在学校发生了几好笑的事~~~xD 当我在Chemistry室外面晃来晃去时,道伟跑来找我。。。哈哈~~~圣豪跟林涛被抓到用老师的厕所~~ xD 还要是被SPEAKER抓== 应该是说圣豪被抓==因为他被老师抓的时候,林涛竟然躲在厕所里面!! xD 哈哈~所以圣豪一个罢了被老师扣10分~~而林涛却安然无事~~可以说是环绕生死边缘~><""

-今天学校那些马来婆得做不懂什么冲凉~~><"" 爽啊!xD 因为....................下课之前的节都没有上! ^^v 想什么啦~~ 然后今天我班的在班上说起毕业时穿什么颜色的西装== 实在怕选到丑丑的~ 可是谁知道他们说很少出席kelas tambahan的不能出席毕业典礼==还有得要是BM和Moral及格才可以参加!!!什么狗屁条件吗==
今天补习时发现跟那其他5个一样黑白!绝对没有说好的哦!挺乍到下 XP又觉得好玩下 ^^ 哈哈~~~~然后补完9.30的后,一边等圣豪,一边跟一号,川雄,林涛玩扮苍蝇和蜜蜂叫~蠢下厚?xDD

现在又烦着每个星期必烦得问题==怎样下关丹,有谁下,几点下== 没办法,谁叫我们就是Kemaman人 ?!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


今天和如往比较不一样,早上醒了就刷牙是爸爸载去学校 =S 早到了学校,她就跑来了我滴block拿药的sample给我~还聊了下下天~~~ =] 然后就无无聊聊的上课~要不就睡觉,要不就画画~闲死了 ='( 然后到最后一节华语节,昨天收拾书包时居然把华语节当成moral节 T^T 所以就没有带到老师叫带的纸== 被叫出去罚站~~~可是其实蛮爽的 ^^v 不用上课+吹风+聊天~ 嘿嘿。。。。。。。。。。然后回到家就跟爸爸出去买她的药噜~去了第一间,卖的就只有不同的牌子== 然后又到另一间去找找。本来还以为会有得卖~谁知道还是一样, 不同的牌子~~~~没办法噜。反正药的成分也一样~就买下了~==问到她时,她居然说可以吃的就行了== 笨蛋啊你~不是说是药就放进嘴巴哒~真笨真笨~买了药之后就回去继续发我的春秋大梦, 然后就像每个礼拜的星期二一样,补习+补习。。。然后回家~


Monday, April 26, 2010


两天没动blog~没有东西写+懒惰写叻~ xD 呃.................年中考试要到了,怕怕了== 好讨厌~~~


Saturday, April 24, 2010


-早上,开开心心的去学校~本来还以为能够过关。 谁知道那些死鬼老师没有检查==大便。这么说明天(星期日)将会检查多一次咯? (-,-)" 麻鬼烦。都忘了还发生什么是了. =P
-下午,补account时才发现没有带晚上补习的功课~死火!! 可是拿了一号的纸重抄了 T_T。姐~


昨晚凌晨才到KL~ 累到。早上一早起来就去常去的点心店吃早餐~爽! xD 然后到二姐的大学拿不知道是什么东东的东东。也接了她男朋友,好久不见~=D 然后就去了 Midvalley~ 在那边买了几件Topman的衣和外套!还有买了几个美美的耳环~ ^^v 虽然说平时逛街很懒惰买衣, 可是原来买了也是很爽下的。 =D 然后去了一间相机店买了相机的电池,拿来当后备电池用滴。因为第二天(今天) 大姐就跟她男朋友去台湾玩! T^T羡慕!!然后看到Panasonic Lumix GF1!
xD~原来是真的很酷的~尤其是白色~看到Cannon G11有点失望. xD都不美的~~然后走到楼下的“老友鬼鬼”吃~~~好吃好吃~然后走到一间市场酱的店,爸爸看到妈妈跟两个穿韩国和服的华人(买水果做宣传的)在讲话, 立刻要我拍下来。说她去了韩国玩~ 可是来不及,妈妈去付钱了 xD 然后爸爸又走过去故意引妈妈再过去,还是要我拍下来== 可爱到~~~(可惜相机不在,不然可以放上来了)~ xD~ 跟着就回到Tropicana City Mall走走~路上谈起了车车~爸爸好像原来也很喜欢 mini~好像又有机了哦.^^到了那边,就到Mac看看高科技~ xD 看到 Macbook Air,型到!又想买了~ xD改次先改次先~然后又跟二姐男朋友聊起了关于很多大学的东西~^^~似乎我的目标更坚定了呗~ =P 可是还是没有劲去读书==每次下到KL就好像有在那边生活的感觉^^不错不错~快快考完SPM,也南无阿弥陀佛希望我不中PLKN~ ='( 加油加油!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


不然幸福就會跑掉喔 =)

1.我的大名 : 林川颉

2.我的生日 : 1993年6月23日 

3.谁传给你的 : 哨牙卉

4.出7个好朋友 :一号,林涛,圣豪,光胜,锦洋,莹颖,智卉,慧娴,还有一大堆哦。 

5.生日想要得到什么礼物 : 一辆车

6.近期开心的是 : 她.=P

7.近期压力大的是 :SPM

8.未來想做什么啊 : 做大人!! =]

9.有沒有嘻欢的人 : 有。

10.同学会要回去找老師吗 : 怕被老师赶走罢了。

11.跟谁出去最幸福 :女朋友,死党,家人。

12.如果你的2个好友吵架了 : 做和事佬 =]

13.跟情人出去最想去哪 : 新加坡。

14. 圣诞节要做啥 : 偷圣诞树。

15.最想跟谁过圣诞节 : 一大堆朋友到sungai wang,玩个够!

16.有沒有起床气 : 没有。

17.有几个兄弟姐妹 : 5个 (包括我)

18.最嘻欢的一首歌(女生的) : - Falling For You

19.最嘻欢的一首歌(男生的) : - No Surprise

20. 嘻欢什么颜色 : 黑色,白色,很多很多颜色。

21.上厕所会不会先沖水 : 不会。借口: 省水

22.嗳不嗳我 :问她。 =]

23.嘻欢男生还是女生 : Za bo.

24.最想大声说什么 :啊!

25.半夜敢不敢自己上厕所 : 我一觉睡天光,还真的没试过。 ^^

26.上厕所会不会脱裤裤 : 看心情的哦~

27.谁很欠打 : 一个右勾拳给我隔壁的同学下。 

28.现在很迷什么 : 车车!

29.睡相很差 : 上次我看了,还好。

30.现在的时间 : 10.23 pm

31.是否痛恨传给你点卷的人 : 不会。

32.今天天气 : 还不错~

33. 你怀孕了嗎 : 如果有的话还真的是新闻。

34.你若中乐透最想做什么 : 存起来,好让改次可以做大人。

35.大学生一定要玩的活动 : 认识朋友,运动。

36.初吻给了谁: 一个我把初吻给了她的人。

2.Xiaoyiin Teacher~

今天.T^T, =D,X(,=="

这个星期简直就是剪头发周!! 明天是时候了~=[ 那个肥婆指名道姓说会检查我那排的几个班~~ 所以我这两个星期一共减了3次头发啊!刚刚又去剪了==这将是最后一次了。明天他们要是还看不顺眼的话就一次过剃! T^T 这次剪到挺薄的==再薄的话就看到里面了==,可是我滴头发本来就比较黑,所以看上去还是一样厚== 巴比 =]

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

我的私人珍藏~ X)



一位慈祥的老太婆 xD One of my favourite drawing~ xD

坐下来的青少年, senget了厚?! 随便啦~

This is also one of my favourite products~~ xD


最后一张,也是还没完成的画~ 遗憾~xD


下面的是我在学校上课时画的~ 特别是在Chemisty节,谢谢老师在前面讲你自己的,我才可以在后面画我自己的~ =D

看"秀逗高校"学回来的眼睛~ 不错的效果~~xD

意外画出这个pose. ^^ 林涛常摆的pose~ xD 相机不是很清~ ><""包涵包涵~              这个.........个人觉得还好罢啦~

            突然来得灵感~ X)


Monday, April 19, 2010


乍到够够力~今天没有补习却没有一个人告诉我。害我又当了傻仔~T^T. 去到了那边,aunty才告诉我说老师下了关丹去探望校长的"危在旦夕"的老婆~ (O_o)" 可怜哦~~


实在不明白你们== 明明得空到....都不肯带我补习==一边吹冷气一边看戏也叫忙?? T^T 得空也要叫人带我去== 倒不如过等我考到了车牌买辆车给我? == 又不肯买== 实在可爱......


今天真的很“谢”。平时酱不是好好的吗?? 为什么爽爽要来个检查?! 香蕉你个巴拉~原本学校是很美好的~就是因为你们这两只臭妖精一只肥龙,一只瘦虎他妈的!去死咯好吗? :] 实在感谢你让我对中学时期留下一个不愉快的回忆~ 法克油!!!

Thanks Yihau! XD

Thanks YiHau!!! XD

Minox DCC.

A little bit interesting in these cute little fellows. =D

Minox Digital Camera 5.0~

Minox Digital Classic Camera in white color! wow! X)

This is the Gold Edition!


Do they look cute?! X) Want it!!

P/s :Some opinions, please? xP

Saturday, April 17, 2010

sienz 7!! :'(

1.又要回到带大包小包的去学校的日子了 :'( 闲死来咯!本来放书在学校放到好好的,现在无端端又说不行哦!神经病~ 

2.明天有很大的机会中剪嘟!死得咯!要是我长大了做了老师,给我遇见你孩子在我班的话,我不把它头发连根都剪掉的话 我切掉!

Friday~Plan changed~

Morning,we have a football match with those form3 guys. No doubt. They are more skillful than us. ='( 3-0~ Ooops~

Afternoon,plan that go to YiHau's country was canceled~ =S So we were went to kuantan. and...hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe~^^ =P We did a lot of crapss =D like, YiHau and KuangSheng speak out loud "BA" and "BI" when passing by "mamak" stalls~ Then when we reached EC mall, i was run toward the opposite way of the escalator. XD I bet the uncle and aunty there were shocked. XD Next, when YiHau turning back to grab his things, we tried to hide ourselves from him! xD When i was turning into corner, i was FELL DOWN! loll== Fortunately there is none of people~ xD Or I'm going to dig a hole to hide myself out! xD

Night, I watched the Malaysia's new product~ "初恋红豆冰". Quite a touching movie to say. Wondering why were Yihau and Kuangsheng keep complaining~=="" Aiyar~~ Learn to appreciate that lar! xDD This movie is talking about the puppy love around the teenagers, maybe? As a conclusion, Chinese people in M'sia are talented! Good movies are slowly processing~! Well Done! =DD


p/s:To Bad boubuii, would you mind to repeat the way when you are hugging me? ^^ Sweet sweet friday. =D

Friday, April 16, 2010


Today...errr...went to school like usual. There were only 2 teacher get into my class before recess. Huhu~ Felt so sleepy AS USUAL! =D After recess, the form 5 students were told to go to "BILIK SEMINAR" and the hall. So...Once Again, we played truant! =D We did the same thing yesterday~ Skipped to Alwin's house. But there's some different on the people who went to his house~==" YiHau them were absent today, so less people were there~ BUT! The one who THICK SKIN was came along!! Oh Gosh! He wasn't invited but he still came~==" Aiks...Limtao was failed to follow us~ because of his girlfriend who keep "nao gai"~><"" That's it for today. =D

Tomorrow, We are going to play football tomorrow "again"~ =="" Actually, the football match last week was "postponed"~or it should be called CANCELED? Haiz~ Forget about it! Anyway~ Cheer up for 93' team! =DD In the afternoon, we're going to YiHau's "country", MAYBE? loll~ To celebrate the Songkran Festival~ It should be fun. =) That's all my activities for tomorrow. Boring? Maybe?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wednesday, 14th April.

1.Today, I've been participated the water rocket competition. The reason is still the same, I can skip the lessons legally! =D Me,YiHau,KuangSheng as one group~ Named " Flying Success" by CHONG HUI KEN~ =="" What an adorable name huh.It has a quite good outlook at first. But when we tried to test it, who knows, one of the "wings" dropped out. =="" Shamed~~== At the last round of the competition, YiHau wanted to remove the rest of the "wings". loll==

2.When i was outside. i received a call from yiling. She told me that the DUMB ASS Teachers confiscated all the books which left inside the desk at BLOCK D~Wasting time!! Then we gotta pay for those books tomorrow! SUCKS! By the way,what a wise and quick way to get money. ;) SCREW YOU!!!! GRRRR~

Monday, April 12, 2010

Science Fair...=DD

There is a Science fair in my school today and i have took part on it. The main purpose that i participate the science fair is because we have to stay at the laboratory, so we don't need to back to class. xD What a nice program, wasn't it?=D Then i did a experiment which is actually quite risky with my friends. xD We mix the Ammonia Chloride (Become cold when it reacts with water) and Sodium hydroxide (Become very HOT when react with water)together. Then we put some distilled water on it... Here it comes! It form so many bubbles..and produced unknown gasses which is very smelly :S We were frightened! ><"" Finally we were get scolded by Teacher Mah. xD As a conclusion. Experiment Failed! xD


I've used this pica as my wallpaper. As a reminder... So please don't worry anymore. xD

Once again....='X

Aiks! As shown above, ONCE AGAIN! The teachers going to check our hair. :( It made me have to go to the salon nearby my house to trim my hair. :'( Their Hair cutting skills....ARE SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!! I have no IDEA that why they have the ability to go on the haircut business?? T^T Now my hair was just like cut by my DISCIPLINE TEACHER! >< Its better for me to pick my teacher to cut my hair rather than the "barber"~ At least its FREE OF CHARGE! ><""" Haiz....Shame Shame...I need a MASK now~ :'(

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Oops...Now im realize..This is annoying! :'( I think we are getting over...=( I knew its sweets but i don't really like that. ><" because i experienced all these before. and it was not fun! WHAT CAN I DO NOW?! :( Teach me please. >< I wanna cry :'(

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Yeah Yeah~ ;D

Finally there is a football match tomorrow. ;D since years we abandoned football. ><
Will be try my best to put my Best Foot forward tomorrow. xD Yeah yeah. =P

Monday, April 5, 2010

Things happened. =]

1.So many friends of mine has gone sick! Including me. :'( The temperature surrounding keep rising, making people gone sick. aiks~ Have to drink some more water le lurr. =]

2.Felt so sorry to YiHau. :'( Knew a girl that he fancy from net. Been chatted with her for a long time, but who knows, the girl seems more interesting to someone else. =S And the boy is one of our friend! Yihau ar yihau, GAMBATEH! =] I know you are serious on this relationship, so put more effort on it! Try to spread your feeling out! Let the girl know what are you thinking about! ><"

3.Seenghow told us to bring some children photo of us to school tomorrow. =P Interesting. =D Can't wait to see my friends childhood memories. =D
Uploading those photos of my friends is POSSIBLE! xD Stay tuned. xP

Friday, April 2, 2010

Happy April Fool! ;)

Few minutes ago, its the day of April Fool. =D Its also the day of the final day for OTI 1. ;D

Today, one of a teacher in my school, "The Speaker" has did the best prank i've ever seen before. =)

She told all the students of 5 Haitam to stand in front of the Surau. =D
This is due to the lost of a book in their class. The book used to record present and absent of the students. >< style="color: rgb(204, 0, 0);">MAD~or i should say she used to be so mad. xP
This punishment has also postponed their test and caused them have to retake the test after recess. ><

p/s: I accidentally captured those word. (fka LOVE wny) >< funny. xD